The Prophet Plea to a Nation
Friday March 1,1928
Our Divine and National Movement stands for the specific principles of love truth Peace Freedom and Justice, And I the
Prophet am applying to all Loyal and Faithful Moors members and the American citizens to help in my great uplifting acts of
uplifting fallen humanity among the Asiatic race and nation - for I have suffered much and severly in the past through misunderstanding
of what the Movement was dedicated to.
It is the great God Allah alone that guides the destiny of the divine and national movement I know all true American citizens
are identified by national and national decent name to answer and apply to the Free National Constitution of this free nantional
Republic of the United States of America thats why I am calling on all true national citizens to help me morally and financially
in my great work I am goiong to help this national government for without a decent name without a flag of your forefathers
there is not a nation giving title of the government in which we live.
This is from your true and divine Prophet unto all American and foreign sympathizers
the Prophet Noble Drew Ali.
1.Who is the Nation? the Moorish nation loyal and faithful Moors those redeemed from mental slavery.
2.Who did the prophet consider fallen humanity? the Asiatic race and nation
3.What is the movement dedicated to? the uplifting of fallen humanity
4.What is our national? Moorish,and what is our national decent name El or Bey
5.Who is the free national Repiblic? the United States of America
6.Why is it important to know your free national and national decent name? to answer and apply to the free National Constitution
of the United states
7.Who are the true national citizens? those with free national name and decent flag of their forefathers recognized by
this nation (United States ) as an American citizen.
8.How was the Prophet to help this National Government ? by teaching the Moors to be better citizens
9.How are we to answer and apply to the free National Constitution of the United States? you will know who you are and
who your forefathers were.
10.What is our national and divine movement? MSTA/MNDM.
11.What misunderstanding of what the movement was dedicated to? we are not to overthrow the laws and constitution of the
said government but to obey hereby.
Islam may the blesing of Allah be on those who take this lesson seriously.
D.Wajid Hubbert-Bey
additional questions for the revalers proclaim? to announce publicly national government? black Law 6th edition articles of association
3.liberty ? immunity free action or speech
4.citizenship? one who falls inder municipal and political privelages of state government one family bearing one national
name and principle.
5.hereby? by this
6. name dead badges of law? 14,15th amendments
7.why are they dead badges because amendments are temporary laws and can be removed or changed being they are not a part
of the original Contitution of the U.S.
8.when was the new era of time declared? August 1,1928 at 2:52 P.M.
9.What is naturalization? being able to apply for citizenship by taking an oth of allegiance becoming a citizen of the
government in which we live. see act 3,4,5,6, of the diveine constitution and by laws this is our oath thus authorizing us
the right to say I Am A CITIZEN OF THE U.S.
10. Part and Partial of the said Government? the MSTA is the part being incorporated in the U.S.Government we the members
make up the Partial being that we are a part of the MSTA.
11.Birth Right ? unmolested right ability to cast free national vote, any right a person is entitled to by birth
12.Nationality ?people connected by ties or blood,languages,customs,inhabitants united under a single Government
Islam Islam
lets get back to teaching, we have gotten away form this and now the time comes to get to the Basics as our numbers continue
to grow this means that there are more and more eyes that are focussing on this site, there are more and more words being
spoken about this site, and there fore it is the duty of those in whom the trust has been placed to continue showing Moors
and none Moors the true significance of the moorish Science Temple of America so we will return to using the questions and
answers as we did in the Beginning to sharpen Moors in the Teachings of Our Prophet Noble Drew Ali.
1. The Prophet said he is calling on all true Citizens to help him in uplifting fallen humanity. Who are the true citizens,
and just who is Fallen Humanity.
answer. the true citizens are those who have proclaimed their nantionality.
Fallen humanity are those who still claim the names and custoums that allude to slavery.
2.How did the Prophet call on the True citizens to help?He called on us to teach our people their natoinality and divine
creed that know they not negro,colred folk,or black people,but that they are Moorish Americans decndants of Moroccans born
in America, and that we are returning the church and Christianity back to the European nations as it was prepared by their
forefathers for their earthly salvation, while we moorish americans are returning to Islam which was founded by our Forefathers
for our earthly and divine salvation.
3. So with the Morish Sience Temple members are to proclaim their nationaolity part of the nationalization process to make
those who proclaim their nationality a part and partial of the Moorish Science Temple and to encourage them to join in the
Uplifting acts of the MSTA. therefore answering to the qualifications of citizenship according to the United States Constitution
becoming citizens of the U.S.
4. So is it our duty to make every Asiatic Moors ? no The Prophet said what your forefathers were you are today without
boubt or contridiction thus Moors are born not made the Problem is our People dont know they are Moors it is our duty to teach
This concludes this part of the Teachings that will now be coming to the board as we have a duty to do.
D.Wajid Hubbert - Bey
Facts Concerning the Citizenship of the so called Negro, Black, and Coloed.
Because N E G R O was used in the USA in the past as a word to refer to African slaves, not to any African. It is considered
nowadays an insult for an African American to be called a N E G R O as it means to him that you are calling him a slave and
reminding him of the humiliation of his ancestors. N E G R O is not the race's name it is a quality that they were defined
by, and discriminated by.
Negro's, Blacks, Colored, by Law are PRIMA FACIED deemed slaves and often had the burden of proving their freedom, or were
automatically deemed as property [ slaves ]. what one proclaims to be brings about certain legal aspects in determining their
natural rights as human beings ! this fact was proven in the Supreme Court Case of Dred Scott.
Noble Drew Ali tells us that if all men are created equal there is no need for the 14th and 15th amendments as admendments
are added additions to an already established law under the 14th amendment Negro, Black and Colored are made are deemed a
Person as oppsed to a Natural Person and are and are subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States as opposed to the United
States of America. please see Due Process laws of the 14th Amendment which also provided the so called Black Man with equal
protection of the law , The 15th Amendment granted the so called Negro with the privelage of voting a right that had previuosly
been reserved for Free white citizens 18 and older and in good standing in the state in which they reside. thus a law had
to be created to garuntee you granted privelages not rights as a citizen.
The 15th amendment does not confer the right of sufferage but prevents the state from giving prefrence to one citizen of
the United States over another because of race color or previous conditions of servitude before it's adoption this could be
done as it wa much in the power of the state to exclude it's citizens [ Blacks ] from voting.
True citizens are deemed Natural Person in the sight of the law and enjoy to the individual sovereign rights of the first
10 articles of the United States Of America Constitution called the BILL OF RIGHTS.
Noble Drew Ali tells us That all men now must worship inder their own vine [ Ancestry ] and fig Nationality, Tree [ Linage
or Descent ] a man with no Nationality is like a tree with no roots.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights International Law says that all persons have the right to proclaim their nationality
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