From the Revealers Prep Site
Marion Illinois
To Brother Wajid Bey
Supreme Revealer.
Islam here are the first 12 of the question and answer session we Pray these help you out in your endeavor to educate those
in our reveal what most say is concealed.
Peace D.Craft El
Acting Grand Sheik.
1.)What is the science of the Moorish people
A.the science of the Moorish People is a power that exerts itself
for the individual at the will of it's user
Q.when is the power active?
A. when the Moor is fully conciuos of himself
Q.what does history and reliance upon Allah do for a Moor?
A.history and reliance upon Allah supply a Moor with strength that
He may act in the cause of Justice
Q.what is this called
A.this is called by all Moors functioning on all Points many degrees does each poit represent?
A.each point represents 72 degrees and is functioning with maimum
Q.What does moor self contain?
A.the Moor self contains science that is a beneficient gift form
he has no boundries and is all consuming.
Q.if a Moor violates the divine creed what will happen
A. justice must take its course
Q. what are some of the powers of a Moor mind that the European has no
inclinging of?
A. telepathy which has been developed thru transition and all manner of Physical
Q.explain why Europeans like to indulge in the ancient rites of the Moors?
A.because they have no knowledge of the moors and no other course to take to find
out concerning The Moors mind and has to rely upon what he sees and experience
with his eyes. the European Forbidden?
A. yes
Q.what is it he couldnt stand to see?
A. our rituals because it defies his very principles of action, and all his pet theories
would come tumbling down.
Q. Why do Moors love the Earth?
A. we love the earth because it is our home it is our homes as long as our bodies
remain in it's present form we know the fultility of trying to escape our enviroment.
Islam Moor we Bid you Peace the Brothers Miss you !
Craft El
Part #2 of the Questions
Q. what have we found in this world?
A. we have found peace in this world and are manifesting all proper
Q.what is our science?
A. our science is a living manifestation
Q.what has Allah Provided for us?
A.he has provided signs that we have recognized and used
Q.what have the none spiritually inclined scoffed at ?
A. the non spiritually inclined have scoffed at the majesty of the divine
being and made mockery at evrything decent. some of the feilds through out the world that have been influenced by the
A. to name a few navigation,medicine,agriculture,philosophy, mathematics,textiles,and
Q.what do the moors claim concerning western civilization?
A. western civilization had its greatest contribution from the moors and owe its success
to them as a direct result of the knowledge obtained from the Moorish Universities. is the claim further acentuated?
A. by being enslaved and having to empty suggested science to lift the yoke form our
Q.what did Prophet Drew Ali say concerning the West?
A. the West must be made to pay their debt to the Moors.
Q. How can the history of man be emunated?
A. through the spiritual evolution of the mind of man.
Q. why is this so?
A. because history is in measurable
Q. what does the History of the Moors describe?
A. the Inner struggle of Man
Q.what does the history lay bare?
A. the history of spirit man manifested in a body of flesh.
Q.are all moors moslems?
A. all Moors are not moslems all moslems are not Moors.
Q. what hue are the Asiatics?
A. olive
Q.what about the Moors?
A. some are olive some are ebony hued
Q. why is this so?
A.because our shade range in 16 demensions of color 64 types
and shades of eye,we are tall, short,fat,skinny,thick lipped
some have broad noses,and some have aequline noses.
Q.what is the crow of life?
A. the essentials of life.
Q. hom many jewels does it consist of?
A. 12
Q. what is the symbol of Islam?
A. the olive branch
Q. what is the emblem of Islam?
A. the crescent moon and star.
Q. what is the scripture of Islam?
A. the Holy Koran and all books that contain truth
for the guidance of man.
Q. what is the Moorish national?
A.the Morning star
Q. what does the star symbolize?
A. the spirit of a nation both in moral recitude and physical
Q.when did the banner come in orbit
A.the banner came into order after the circumnavigation of Africa by the Moors
Q.what type of star is the morning Star?
A.the morning star is a five pointed open star
Q.what does the singleness of the star represent?
A.the ones of humanity which prelide the grand idea of motherism I.O.the worship
of God.
Q.what does the science of the nation proclaim?
A.a natoin idivisible.
Q.what does the openess of the star tell us/
A. the openess of the star tell us we are a nation indivisible through the will
of Allah and by hhis will our nation dependant soley upon him.
Q.what are the points of the star called?
A. pentagrams
Q.what are the pentagrams? is man himself in the higher plane making an effort to please his creator by using
the great facillities of his mind to monitor his blessings and set a standard for future
Q.what are the pentagrams?
A.they are the expression of the science that banish into the thoughts of the ancient
Moors mind.
Q.what does the pentagrams describe?
A.they describe mans every sphere of life in a single expression how is the ancient nation mounted? is mounted in the center of a bright read flag or banner
Q.what was the color of the banne before red?
A.white as the driven snow.
Q. what does the red signify?
A.moorish blood that has been shed in defense of his principles,over 10,000 years.
Q.what does the color green in the star represent?
A.fresh life everlasting life.
Q.what is the complete circle and how many degrees and how many degrees does it represent
A.the free will of man which equal 360 degrees the pentagrams and the degree?
A.the first point divine creed,