Continuation of the Incorporation of the Moorish Sience Temple. (sec 37) Determines the term of office as set up by rules and by-laws of the congregation,church,or society the officers are placed
in ofice for one year, during convention time the offices are vacated til the end of the convention with elections and appointments
just as the Prophet did it at the first convention, convention officials are elected to run the Grand Major Temple this is
to keep Government of the MSTA always in Place. (sec 38) Explains in case there is failiure to to select trustees to office at any time shall not work any dissolutions of such
corporation but the trustees elected shall be considered as in office until their successors are elected but there must be
a failiure to elect trustees. (Sec.0.01) Short titile this act may be cited as the religious educational or charitable corporation dissolution act. (from chapter
32.Paragraph 200.9) They may sell any and all properties of any and every kind belonging to the corporation out of proceeds with any money
belonging to the corporation they shall pay all debts against the corporation under written conditions requiring the return
of said sum in case the purpose of the corporation are not carried out they shall transfer and deliver all funds and property
remaining in their hands after the payment of debts and return of donations as here in before provided to the religious denomination
having change or patronage of the said educational and charitable corporation. by tranferring and delivering said funds and
prpoerty into possession and control, that regularly constituted body in such religious denomination by which the trustees
of the said educational or charitable corporation are nominated or elected. this conludes this teaching of the MSTA coporation according to the Acts of Incorporations this is the structuring and control of the MSTA.Inc. we hope this helps all who read it in knowing the true structure of
our Organization. Peace D.wajid Hubbert-Bey Teacher J.Hairston Bey Thi link will take you to other teachings on the Structuring of our corporation
what men call lesser Gods
protoplast earth plant beast man angel cheribum From Allah's own record book we read; The Triune Allah breathed forth, and stood seven spirits before his face. The Hebrews
call these seven spirits Elohim and these are they who.in their boundless power created everything that is or was. |