The Incoroporation of the Moorish Science Temple Inc.
The acts of incorpoation as well as the history surounding each act the Religious Corporation Act.
The Religious corporation act (805 ILCS 110/0.01)source p.a. 86a 1324
thissection lets us know that they are reveised form hurds revised statutes and Religious corporation act.many attempt
to say that the Prophet set up the temple in a way that placed the Temple outside the jurisdiction,of the state of Illinois,because
the Grand Body files reports to the secretary of state even after the incorporation M.S.T.A. July 20,1928 there is evidence
of this file 1900-972-6/ dated Feburuary of 1929 annual report of the Moorish Science Tempe of America Inc. to the Secretary
of of the state of Illinois.
this is required as we are a part of the United states via.the Illionois Constitution.
the portion of the MSTA under the leadership of then leader C.Kirkman-Bey now under the leadership of R.Jones-Bey is no
diffrent than the MSTA that the Prophet set up.
thus we would not be able to use the litterature or any of the other artifacts of the Temple.
thus this gave Noble Drew Ali,Mealy-El,Small-Bey,Lovett-Bey and Foreman-Bey the power to form the religious corporation.May
2,1928 in a specail meeting of the members of the Moorish Temple of Science and officially adopted the Moorish Science Temple
of America in accordance with section 35, July 20 1928 the status was changed from civic to religious organization upon filing
the affidavit, as hereinafter provided it shall be and remain a body politic and corporate by the name so adopted.
The Prophet was the chairman of the meeting held July 20,1928 Brother Whitehead-Bey was the Secretary, they filed the form
1099 August 1,1928 at 2:52 P.M. section 36 laid out the form of filed documnet it is the formatt of Our Warrant Of Authority
thats why I Noble Drew Ali solemnly swear and not we as all power was vested in the Prophet the meeting held July
20,1928 was to appoint sheiks,(directors,trustees) the word affidavit is used in section of 36 is the one who executes an
Very Important Clause
such congregation,church,or society may change it's name or make other amendments to it's original affidavit or incorporation
by passing a resolution of such ammendment in accordance with rules and usages of such congregation Church or Society and
filing affidavit to that affect in the office of the recorder in the county in which such corporation, church,society is located
such affidavit or copy threrfore duly certified by the recorder shall be received as evidence of the due incorporation of
such church, congregation, church, or society.
the resolutution must be passed by vote.officially called a quorum the minimal number of officers and members of committe
or organization ususally a majority who must be present for valid transaction 2/3 of the vote is needed.Thus the electing
such offices as Grand Advisor,Grand sheik, ect is done by law of the quorum the quorum convenes and the resolution is passed
by more than 2/3 vote of the officers of the MSTA this would be the Grand Body according to Sec 36 of Our Authority..Such
affidavit or copy thereof duly certified by the recorder shall be received as evidence of the due in corporation church or
society the recorder County Clerk Salome Jasconowskic
This Concludes this Part of the Incorporation
Of the MSTA Inc.