Peace and respect to everyone on the post.
I wanted to comment on the Hamitic and Shemitic people.Much respect to both-what bothers me is alot of black people think
a Shemite is.A shemite is a Afo Asiatic person most shemites have two lineages Ham and Shem this people always dwelled around
each other-a mixed seed.
The word semite does not mean Shemite.Semitic is latin it means a path,Shemitic is a decendant from Shem.Most people of
Cacasian orgin who now live in Israel and Mesopotamia claim they are semites they are people who took over the land from the
true black Hamitics and black Shemitics.
Even the so called Jewish people have a turkish orgin they converted to Afro Israelite culture in later centuries and latter
claimed the land under Zionism.
The Orginal Arabs,Elamites,summerians,Persians,Babylonians,Arabs who were of Hamitic and Shemitic orgin were black.Shemitic
people and Hametic people have always mixed nations that is why we have the diffrent shades of color.
The pics of the Israelites on the walls of Babylon show what the world would call Negroid-Hametic people.
The reason why is because the Shemitic people were Afo Asiatic people.