Negro's, Blacks, Colored, by Law are PRIMA FACIED deemed slaves and often had the burden of proving their freedom, or were
automatically deemed as property [ slaves ]. what one proclaims to be brings about certain legal aspects in determining their
natural rights as human beings ! this fact was proven in the Supreme Court Case of Dred Scott.
Noble Drew Ali tells us that if all men are created equal there is no need for the 14th and 15th amendments as admendments
are added additions to an already established law under the 14th amendment Negro, Black and Colored are made are deemed a
Person as oppsed to a Natural Person and are and are subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States as opposed to the United
States of America. please see Due Process laws of the 14th Amendment which also provided the so called Black Man with equal
protection of the law , The 15th Amendment granted the so called Negro with the privelage of voting a right that had previuosly
been reserved for Free white citizens 18 and older and in good standing in the state in which they reside. thus a law had
to be created to garuntee you granted privelages not rights as a citizen.
The 15th amendment does not confer the right of sufferage but prevents the state from giving prefrence to one citizen of
the United States over another because of race color or previous conditions of servitude before it's adoption this could be
done as it wa much in the power of the state to exclude it's citizens [ Blacks ] from voting.
True citizens are deemed Natural Person in the sight of the law and enjoy to the individual sovereign rights of the first
10 articles of the United States Of America Constitution called the BILL OF RIGHTS.
Noble Drew Ali tells us That all men now must worship inder their own vine [ Ancestry ] and fig Nationality, Tree [ Linage
or Descent ] a man with no Nationality is like a tree with no roots.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights International Law says that all persons have the right to proclaim their nationality