As a Moorish American Moslem, I follow Islamism. Islam as Prophet
Noble Drew Ali brought is that old time Religion and Everlasting
Gospel. It is the true and divine creed of Islam. It is that saving
power that comes from Allah, through our ancient forefathers, which
teaches about the mysteries of the Supreme Being, Allah, the All
Encompassing Divinity. I believe that from Allah proceed the seven
creative spirits (Elohim-the seven eyes of Allah), and all the
worlds, and the entire universe. Since Allah manifests as the seven
creative spirits, Allah can be worshipped as a masculine or as
feminine. I believe that there is only one Supreme Being, Allah, and
that the seven creative spirits are expressions of the One Supreme
Being, Allah. As a Moorish American Moslem, I strive to come into
harmony with the seven creative spirits, the seven eyes of Allah, by
developing within my personality the different virtuous and divine
qualities they symbolize; this will lead me closer to Allah. As a
Moorish American Moslem, I also believe that Supreme Being I call
Allah is the same Supreme Being that is worshiped by other religions
under different names.
I believe that Allah established all creation on the divine
principles of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice and that my
actions, determine the quality of life I lead and experience. If I
act with the divine principles of love, truth, peace, freedom, and
justice my path will be free of suffering and pain. When I forget
the divine principles and act in an unrighteous manner, I invite
suffering and pain into my life.
As a Moorish American Moslem I believe when my body dies, my heart's
actions will be examined against the divine principles of love,
truth, peace, freedom and justice. If it is found that I upheld the
divine principles during my lifetime, I will have a positive out
come, and my spirit will become one with Allah for all eternity.
This is what I call the Spiritual Awakening-Enlighten ment. If it is
found that I acted with selfishness and greed, I will have a
negative out come, and my soul will suffer after death and then be
reincarnated again to live in the world of time and space again.
As a Moorish American Moslem I believe in the teaching of Noble Drew
Ali, following the path of Islamism, by practicing the disciplines
of Islam, which include: Study of Wisdom teachings, Devotion to God,
Acting with Righteousness and Meditation. Allah provided the Holy
Koran of the M.S.T. of A., the spiritual teaching that was divinely
prepared by the Prophet Noble Drew Ali so that the Moors might study
the wisdom teaching of Islamism. Two most important Moorish American
Islamic scriptures are the Holy Koran and the Moorish Questionnaire,
and the most important Moorish American Islamic story is the
Resurrection of Jesus.
By the practice of the disciplines of Islamism, I will discover the
Mysteries of life and become Pure of Heart. I will become one with
God even before death, and I will discover supreme peace, abiding
happiness and fulfillment of my life's purpose, and promote peace
and harmony for the world.
What I Believe and Uphold
1. The Purpose of Life is to Attain the Great Awakening-
Enlightenment- Know thyself.
2. Islam enjoins the spiritual investigation as the highest endeavor
of life.
3. Islam enjoins that it is the responsibility of every human being
to promote order and truth.
4. Islam enjoins the performance of Selfless Service to family,
community and humanity.
5. Islam enjoins the Protection of nature.
6. Islam enjoins the Protection of the weak and oppressed.
7. Islam enjoins the Caring for hungry.
8. Islam enjoins the Caring for homeless.
9. Islam enjoins the equality for all people.
10. Islam enjoins the equality between men and women.
11. Islam enjoins the justice for all.
12. Islam enjoins the sharing of resources.
13. Islam enjoins the protection and proper raising of children.
14. Islam enjoins the movement towards balance and peace.
Bro. M. Moore Bey
The Power Of Truth
Noble Drew Ali ask the question what is Truth,Truth is Aught, What is
Aught, Aught is Allah. Nobble Drew Ali the reincanation of Jesus,
Mohammed, Buddah, and Cofusious. The Prohet teaches us that Truth
cannot change or pass away but what most miss is there is a Power in
Truth, and our Prophet bought forth this Truth at a time when the
thoughts of men had become sluggish, they were enraged angered,
fustrated, to them life as they knew it was in one way or another
It was this Truth that Noble Drew Ali bought to us that gave us a
new hope restored our faith, this Truth gave life and new meaning to
thousands of Asiatics here in North America, this Truth gave life to
the dryest bones giving a new since of Pride in our people, and many
became messangers of this Holy Light, Fezzes and turbans were seen in
the streets, people flashed their cards at Europeans,the new time had
been declared, and the Moors rejoiced in this new found truth. There
were those who sought to cease the turmoil in the lifes of others if
thy brother is in adversity assist him if thy sister is in trouble
forsake her not, in one another the Moors by the power of the Truth
taught, the Moors found Unity, their words were songs of praise and
thanks giving, where men waited in idleness looking for miracles,
thinking they could do no more than their fathers before them.
Allah the Great God of the Universe ordained the Prophet Noble Drew
Ali to redeem us from our sinful ways.To him were given the keys to
open the dawn of a new day approved by the master minds of the
heavens and earth Noble Drew Ali was sent forth as a Blessing to the
Asiatics of North America. I have seen were European writers have
claimed that our Prophet was illiterate, in their books he may have
Been but He was Blessed with wisdom,honor, glory, power,
riches,blessings, and strength forever five times over.Amen, and
being that our God Allah is a merciful God there is food enough for
us all.
Praise Allah, and honors to His Prophet Noble Drew Ali.
D.Wajid.Hubbert- Bey