Islam Islam
I rise giving Perfect Praise to the One God Of The Univers Allah
I give honors to His Prophet his Prophet then his Prophet now Noble Drew Ali
I Give Honos to the Forerunner Elisha come again, John the Baptist reincarnation
the voice heard crying in the wilderness Marcus Mosiah Garvey. and I give honors to each of you cause when you honor Man
you honor Allah.
Islam Moors.
This posting may stir the the ethers make a few a lil warm under the collar but Truth is the only thing that changes not.
I hear many speak of unity, I hear many speak of a nation, I hear many thoughts of who is doing what who did what ect. ect.
I went back over old post, I examined some old instant messanger confrences held between me and some of the Members here at
this site the Revealers. and it was the name Revealers that caught my attention. The Prophet tells us that many claim to have
the answer, but ask the subject ( those who are affected by the choices of others ) and where is the answer.
what many of us have done is overlook a Prophecy made by the Prophet himself when he spoke of our young He said it would
be Young Moors to come into the Temple with their eyes wide open and they would carry out his laws he said some of us old
Moors would have to take a backseat. Moors I dont know about you but I await that day, you See alot of you old Moors got to
realize it's a new day many of us have buit walls around us we dont see the flowers growing in the feilds we have taken titles
and personalized them, we think we have the answer and we may but we are not the ones to manifest them. The Prophet said we
call them the long Promised Sons they are the ones to build the Solid Foundation, it is our duty to teach them of their Mission
he said OUT FROM OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS COME THE GUIDERS OF A NATION, thus us older Moors have to pave the way prepare the People
for their coming.
But you Young Moor have to realize as well that in us older Moors there is much Wisdom that Allah speaks to man through
man he tells us to communicate it to the ignorant for their instruction, communicate it to the wise for thine own improvement.
so here in the near future I will be concentrating more on you younger Moors because you are the ones to raise this Nation
as Jesus pointed out in another teaching from out of the mouths of Babes come much wisdom. The time draws near, and the Prophecy
made and we each have a duty to preform. You young Brothers represent that third and fourth generation the Prophet spoke of
, but the question arises do you have the strength to go on there are many of you who say you are ready but are you, men love
to follow and not to lead are you ready to lead cause in leading Moors its not easy you got to be able to succor you brother,
you cant forsake your sister, you have to be able to place faith, Moors where there was no faith ( in our own ) this will
be your greatest task.
.Wajid Hubbert-Bey
set their souls on fire continued