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Islam Moors,
I rise giving all praise to Allah, The Father of the Universe. I give high honor to his Holy Prophet, Drew Ali. I
give honor to the forerunner of the Prophet, Marcus Mosiah Garvey.
In the spirit...
For man to know himself is for him to feel that for him there is no human master. For him Nature is his servant,
and whatsoever he wills in Nature, that shall be his reward. If he wills to be a pigmy, a serf or a slave, that shall
he be. If he wills to be a real man in possession of the things common to man, then he shall be his own sovereign.
When man fails to grasp his authority he sinks to the level of the lower animals, and whatsoever the real man bids him
do, even as if it were of the lower animals, that much shall he do. If he says "go." He goes. If he says "come," he
comes. By this command he performs the functions of life even as by a similar command the mule, the horse, the cow
perform the will of their masters. For the last four hundred years the Negro has been in the position of being commanded
even as the lower animals are controlled. Our race has been without a will; without a purpose of its own, for all this
length of time.
Because of that we have developed few men who are able to understand the strenuousness of the age in which we live.
Where can we find in this race of ours real men. Men of character, men of purpose, men of confidence, men of faith,
men who really know themselves? I have come across so many weaklings who profess to be leaders, and in the test I
have found them but the slaves of a nobler class. They perform the will of their masters without question. To me, a man
has no master but God. Man in his authority is a sovereign lord. As for the individual man, so of the individual race.
This feeling makes man so courageous, so bold, as to make it impossible for his brother to intrude upon his rights.
So few of us can understand what it takes to make a man - the man who will never say die; the man who will never
give up; the man who will never depend upon others to do for him what he ought to do for himself; the man who will
not blame God, who will not blame Nature, who will not blame Fate for his condition; but the man who will go out and
make conditions to suit himself. Oh, how disgusting life becomes when on every hand you hear people (who bear your image,
who bear your resemblance) telling you that they cannot make it, that Fate is against them, that they cannot get a
chance. If 400,000,000 Negroes can only get to know thesmelves, to know that in them is a sovereign power, is an authority
that is absolute, then in the next twenty-four hours we would have a new race, we would have a nation, an empire,
- resurrected, not from the will of others to see us rise, - but from our own determination to rise, irrespective of what
the world thinks.
Marcus Garvey
Brother Snow- Bey
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Marcus Mosiah Garvey |
The Oral Statements Of Marcus Mosiah Garvey
1.There has never been a movement where the leaeder has not suffered for the cause and not received the ingratitude of
the People I like the rest am prepared for the consequences.
2.Civilization is about to fall and the negro is called upon to evolve a national idea based upon freedom human liberty
and true democracy the redemption of Africa is the regaining of lost paradise it is always almost at hand.
3.Christmas with it's association of the lowlt birth of Jesus became symbolic of the negroes birth among the nations of
the world.
4.Easter became the symbolic of the ressurection of an oppressed and crucified race.
5.The essence of progressive nationalisim is therefore love for ones nation within the framework of regard for and observance
of the liberties and well being of all others.
6.Race First
7.The Negro must build on his own basis apart from the white mans foundation if he ever hopes to be a master builder.
8.The negro problem in America and elsewhere must be solved, we cannot do this by postponing the issue or by sidetracking
it, we might as well face it now.
9.My intrest in the negro peoples of America and of the world is purely racial because i feel proud of my race. I have
the highest regard for the motherhood of the race.
10.We are educating the negro, the slave of the last century.
11.There is one thing that we have to admire the white man for is that he is never found disloyal to his race.
This concludes this part of the oral statements of Marcus Garvey I will be adding More so that we may have the words of
the Harbinger. But I leave you moors with this Prayer
Oh Allah we the Moorish nation pray forever,feed us through your guidance, and shelter us in your Protection and clothe
us in the armour of your salvation, let us live in unity assissting one another in times of trouble. loudly do we sing to
you in praise, placing our trust in you the LORD of the worlds, that you oh Allah support us in our cause for eternity.
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Islam Islam
From the book Marcus Garvey and the vision of Africa
another concept of Marcus Garvey as I pointed out in the oral statements of Marcus Garvey was Race First. for that reason
I bring you another teaching or oral statement of Marcus Mosiah Garvey.
An important concept of Garveyism was pride in the Black Race. Marcus Garvey never permitted advertisement of bleaching
creams, and hair straightening in his paper, the Negro World, he called on the people of his race to respect their own kind
of beauty, to accept the shape of their lips, and noses, and to appreciate the wooly hair of the African:
Take down the pictures of white women from your walls elevete your own women to that place of honor they are for the most
part the burden beares of the race Mothers give your children dolls that look like them to play with and cuddle they will
leran as they grow older to love and care for their own children and not neglect them Men and Women God made us as his
perfect creation he made no mistake when he made us black with kinky hair. It was divine purpose for us to live in our natural
habitat the tropical zones of earth. Forgett the white mans banter that he made us in the night and forgott to paint us white.
That we were bought here against our will is just a natural proccess of the stong enslaving the weak. We have outgrown slavery,
but our minds are still enslaved to the thinking of the Master race. Now take theses kinks out of your mind instead of out
of your hair.
in his beleif in Black pride Garvey was instrumental in producing black dolls for African children in the United States.He
more than any other mass leader understood the need for early indoctrination of the youth.
submitted by
D.Wajid Hubbert Bey
From the Book Marcus Garvey
And the Vision Of Africa.
The first concept marcus Garvey laid down was what may be termed Black Awareness, the belief the we as a race and a people
must be aware of ourselves as Black Men, that we must be fimiliar with our culture, our heiretage, and our history. Black
man Know thyself. was his fimiliar and powerful injunction. He never wearied of pointing out that when our forefathers were
cultured and civilized the Whites of Western Europe were howling barbarians who committed human sacrifice and worshipped the
But when we come to consider the history of man, was not the Negro a power was he not great once? yes honest students of
history recall the day when Egypt, Ethiopia, Timbuctoo towered in their civilizations, towered above Europe, towered above
Asia, when Europe was inhabited by a race of cannibals, a race of savages, naked men, heathens and pagans. Africa was peopled
with a race of cultured black men,who were the masters in art, and literature, men who were cultured and refined, men who,
it was said, were like Gods, even the great poets of old sang in sonnets of the light it afforded the gods to be in companionship
with the Ethiopians, why should we lose hope?
To read the histories of the world, peoples, and races written by white men would make the Negro feel and beleive that
he never amounted to anything in creation.
History is written with prejudice,likes,dislikes, and there has never been a white historian who wrote with ant true love
or feeling for the Negro. The Negro should expect but very little by way of compliment from the pen of other races.
Marcus Garvey
Submitted by
D.Wajid hubbert-Bey
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